Yes it’s true! Your dental health can affect your heart health.
Dental hygiene has an important role to play as it can affect your teeth, your smile and even your breath. But many people don’t know that there is a direct relationship between your oral health and having a healthy heart. Yes it’s true! Your dental health can affect your heart health.
Many people can suffer from varying degrees of gum disease. Common symptoms of gum disease include gums that are red, bleeding, swollen or painful. But research now indicates a direct link between gum disease and a healthy heart.
Gum disease can be attributed to plaque. What is interesting to note is there is a certain type of bacteria found in plaque that can cause inflammation through out the body, it’s reach goes far beyond the gums and your oral health. This bacteria actually creates swelling. When its found in the arteries, this swelling leads to blockage which can increase the risk of heart disease and even the potential of having a stroke.
When it comes to gum disease there are several other factors to consider when it comes to gum disease and the affects it can have on your heart:
Your Diet:
A well balanced diet including calcium, magnesium and other vitamins can reduce gum disease and the bacteria build up that can ultimately lead to heart issues.
Smoking is one of the biggest causes of gum disease (as well as it can affect bone loss in the jaw).
Mouth Wash:
Your dental practitioner can prescribe a mouthwash that can decrease the amount of bacteria in your mouth. But remember, mouthwash is not an alternative to brushing and flossing.
Cleaning Your Teeth:
As much as you brush and floss at home, a professional dental cleaning twice a year is important for continued oral health and even more important if you are at risk of heart disease. Ask your dental practitioner for a friendly reminder on the best way to remove plaque and bacteria build up from your teeth, tongue and gums.
It is important to remember that your body is made out of many different parts and systems and they all work towards the overall health of your body. So the next time you are brushing your pearly whites remember you are doing more than just creating a healthy mouth, it could also be helping your heart to be healthy as well!